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Shropshire Eye Care Opticians

Donnington 01952 670 999 | Dawley 01952 505 650

Contact Lenses.

Contact Lenses by Shropshire Eyecare Opticians

'the widest range to match your requirements'

Contact Lenses to suit your lifestyle

You may have any number of reasons to want to wear contact lenses. Whether it’s for sport, social or just every day wear, there are a wide variety of contact lenses to help meet your needs for that perfect alternative to glasses.

Our optometrist will take into consideration comfort, convenience, cost and above all your eye health to help you choose the perfect lens to meet your requirements.

Types of Contact Lenses:

  • Daily disposables: are perfect to wear occasionally or every day. They’re are the most convenient way to wear lenses. There is no cleaning solutions or storage involved as each fresh lens is thrown away after wear.
  • Monthly or fortnightly disposables: these can be worn everyday but will require cleaning and storing until you next wear them, however, they can be more cost-effective for everyday contact lens wear.
  • Continuous wear lenses: these breathable lenses can be worn for an extended period of time without being removed, even during sleep. They are normally replaced every month.
  • Multifocal lenses: ideal for patients who need different distance and close reading prescriptions. In the past reading glasses had to be worn over distance contact lenses to correct near sight. However, with the latest lens technology, multifocal lenses can give you clear vision at all distances.
  • Astigmatism/Toric lenses: Astigmatism is caused ‘rugby ball’ shaped eyes and can blur or distort vision at far and close distances. These lenses are designed specifically for people with astigmatism. Toric lenses are available in daily and monthly disposables and will fit to the shape of your eye to ensure your comfort and clarity of vision.
  • Rigid gas permeable lenses: these are made from a firm plastic material which can be more durable and can offer superior vision correction for certain prescriptions.

There are lots of different options and ranges, but don’t worry – we’re here to help you find the right one.