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Shropshire Eye Care Opticians

Donnington 01952 670 999 | Dawley 01952 505 650

Eye Examinations.

Eye Examinations by Shropshire Eyecare Opticians

'provided by the Shropshire eye experts...'

We carry out full and comprehensive eye examinations which includes a thorough look at the health of your eyes and any general health issues that may show up, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or raised cholesterol. We also offer free digital retinal photography as part our standard eye exam. You will also be screened for Glaucoma, Macular degeneration and Cataracts as well as being provided with an accurate and precise spectacle prescription.

We have been selected as one of the few opticians in Shropshire to examine Children referred by the hospital screening service.

Shropshire Eye Care can also offer emergency MECs appointments. This service is provided free of charge from the NHS to any patient registered with a GP within the Telford & Wrekin or Shropshire area.

Eye Exam Explained
Every sight test is tailor-made depending on your needs and the methods your optometrist prefers to use. As well as an eye health check, a sight test might detect signs of underlying general health conditions, such as diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Everyone should have a sight test every two years, or more often if your optometrist recommends it.

History and Symptoms

Your optometrist will ask detailed questions about your eyesight, lifestyle, health and any previous eye problems you or family members may have had. You should bring a list of any medication you take, along with your glasses if you use them, or a previous glasses prescription.

Sight Test
Your optometrist will check what you can see – close up and in the distance – usually using special charts of symbols or letters. This may be with or without your glasses. They will then work out whether you need glasses or a change of prescription with a series of tests using different lenses. This will also involve simple questions and you should try to answer these as accurately and honestly as you can. There are no right or wrong answers, so don’t worry.

For those who are unable to answer these questions, there are other ways of working out a spectacle prescription. This is particularly useful for young children or those with learning difficulties or special educational needs. Your optometrist will also carry out tests on your eye muscles to check how your eyes are working together.

Eye Health Check
Your optometrist will examine the inside and outside of your eyes. They will tell you if there are any signs of disease or injury. The equipment used for this will vary, at Shropshire Eye Care we will include a Free Digital Retinal Photo as part of the standard eye exam. Occasionally your optometrist will need to put drops in your eyes to get a better view of the back of your eye but they will explain this before doing so.
Sometimes it may be necessary to check your peripheral (or side) vision using a special instrument. This tests for certain conditions of the eyes or the visual parts of your brain. You may also need an eye-pressure test, which is one of the procedures used to detect glaucoma.

Digital Retinal Photography
As part of our commitment to providing you with the very highest standard of eyecare we include digital retinal imaging as standard in our comprehensive eye examinations. A state of the art digital camera is used to capture images of the back of your eyes. This is an accurate and advanced way of screening for many eye diseases, it allows us to examine the retina in great detail. The images are taken and stored so that they can be recalled at your next visit, allowing us to examine and detect any subtle changes in the health of your eyes and therefore aiding early diagnosis of eye disease.

There will be time to talk through the results of your sight test and ask questions. Your optometrist will advise you if you need glasses and make recommendations about the type. They will also tell you if they find any problems with your eyes. If there is something which needs further medical checks, the optometrist will write to your doctor or the eye hospital for you. They will give you a written statement of your results which includes your glasses prescription if you need one. They will also tell you how often you should go for a sight test. The optometrist is also someone who can tell you about how to keep your eyes healthy.

So, don’t forget the importance of a sight test for you and your family. Your optometrist can do the following:

  • Pick up any signs of eye disease – this is usually easier to deal with if found early
  • Check your sight and make it clearer or more comfortable to see
  • Check for signs of underlying general health conditions that sometimes show in the eyes
  • Answer questions and give advice about your eye health and vision
  • Keep you informed about new products or services that can help you

VDU eye examinations

At some point in the day almost everyone looks at some form of computer screen. This could be in the form of anything from a Kindle, an EPOS screen, laptops, mobile phones or computer monitors for the purpose of either work or leisure.

People who work with electronic screens are prone to Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). This is common among people who use VDU screens at work. These screens can cause stress and issues with the eyes, and the symptoms associated are blurred vision and sore eyes. If you have dry eyes, eyestrain, headaches or even difficulty while focusing right after or during use of a VDU screen then chances are you have computer vision syndrome (CVS) and may need to take measures to avoid it.

Your eye examination will include questions regarding the kind of VDU screen you use at work or at home to check whether you are facing any problems.

The amount of focus and muscle work your eyes do can be assessed through our eye examination and you will be advised accordingly.

Tips for People Using Computer Screens at Work

The main risk to your eyes comes from staring at a screen for too long. For this, it is important to take regular breaks every twenty minutes to look away from the screen. This should be sufficient rest for your eyes.

Make adjustments to your monitor or screen. Most screens come with the option of adjusting contrast, this can be manipulated to a point where the stress being caused to the eyes are at a bare minimum. In order to cause less stress, the font size can be changed or zoomed in to minimize any eye strain.
Avoiding glare and check for lights around the screen. It is important to make sure there aren’t any bright lights around your computer screen and avoid any glare being reflected off. To alleviate this, anti-glare screens can be used to reduce the damaging reflections off the screen.
Blink consistently to avoid dry eyes. Most people while concentrating on a screen for too long do not blink as much. This is one of the main causes of dry eyes among people. For people who get dry eyes while using computer screens this is a major symptom for CVS. However, it can be reduced and re-lieved by consulting an optometrist to get recommended appropriate eye drops. This symptom is more common among people who use contact lenses.
Make regular eye care appointments. The recommended period for adults is once every two years, however if you are experiencing any symptoms please arrange an appointment with one of our optometrists.
It is important to note that if you are using a VDU screen at work you are entitled to a regular eye checks paid by your employer. If the need arises for glasses then your employer is duty bound to pay for a basic pair which is for the purpose of use with a VDU screen only. However, you can make your own choice, but will have to pay for the difference in cost.

 We are happy to accept Edenred VDU eyecare vouchers for your eye exam and spectacles if needed.