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Shropshire Eye Care Opticians

Donnington 01952 670 999 | Dawley 01952 505 650

Urgent Eye Care.

Urgent Eye Care by Shropshire Eyecare Opticians

'we are here to help...'

Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS)
At Shropshire Eye Care we are involved with local GP’s in an NHS shared care service where we are now able to see patients with minor eye conditions such as red or painful eyes without the need of paying for an eye test or the need to visit your doctors or local hospital.

If you are worried about a recent eye condition - there is now a new free service we can offer to you.

You can access this service if you are registered with a GP in Shropshire or Telford and Wrekin. Any patient over the age of 2yrs old can be offered this service, under 16yrs olds have to be accompanied by an adult.

Eye conditions that can be treated by the service include:
• Red eye
• Dry eye, gritty and uncomfortable eyes
• Irritation and inflammation of the eye
• Significant recent sticky discharge from the eye or watery eye
• Recently occurring or sudden increase of flashes and floaters
• Painful eye
• In growing eyelashes
• Recent and sudden reduced vision
• Foreign body in the eye

Please note this is not a sight test for glasses. If you have a major eye condition that is being monitored by your optometrist or hospital eye service, this will not be covered by this service e.g. cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy.

If you are unsure whether your symptoms can be assessed and treated by the service, please contact us and will advise you.
You will be asked some questions about your symptoms, to assess how quickly you need to be seen by this service. Depending on your symptoms, you will be seen within one or two working days.

You should go to A&E if you have:

Sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes
Considerable eye pain
Significant trauma such as penetrating injury or lacerations to the eye or eyelid
Chemical injury or burns
Problems arising from recent eye surgery
You should go to A&E after 5pm and at weekends, if participating opticians are closed and you need urgent advice.